Thursday, January 28, 2010


Greetings from Acorn Oakmist,
I've been bemusedly watching the great struggle during the last week, between The Other One and Elfstone Chestnut Pussycat where a giant dust cloud emerges from whatever room they happen to be in -- or in this morning's case, rooms -- and from the cloud, the Other One's Voice: "Ya GOTTA. Ya GOTTA. I don't want to have to take you back to the vet!"

When the dust does settle, there is a catnip-induced peace for a while.

I think there's only one pill left.

Now if it were me, both humans would have given up way before this. ElastoKitty Rules...

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I, the human, have paid tribute to Jillian, the cat, by getting a knit cap that's a nice stretchy lavender with a black kitty appliqued ...