Wednesday, January 28, 2009

They tricked us, my precious!

Hmph. We did such a great job at chaperoning the humans that we put The Other One really out of sorts when I started threatening to knock things over even though she'd blearily gotten up to feed me just minutes earlier. They both slammed the door and shut me out of their room. Showed 'em. I zipped out the cat door and started howling under their window for them to let me back in. The Other One, now thoroughly and grumpily awake, was totally ruined for the morning. No need to continue the chaperoning.

But they tricked us, they did! Just when we figured our sentry duty was done for the weekend I wandered in and caught them with amazingly smug grins on their faces. Mission foiled! Even Elfstone was caught completely off guard. He was trying to tell me he'd been watching them the whole time. My cat senses, however, were not deceived.

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I, the human, have paid tribute to Jillian, the cat, by getting a knit cap that's a nice stretchy lavender with a black kitty appliqued ...