Hello from Elfstone,
My mom just wandered into the spare room just before the witching hour of midnight and found me sleeping peacefully on the futon. It completely startled her because she'd been going room to room looking for me, thinking maybe I was out in the freezing fog and the moonlight. And she had Looked Right There about three times. Hence, her remark.
Acorn is nestled in a blanket on the futon in the living room. No attempt at invisibility there, he made sleepy cat noises and demanded attention and ruffles.
Can I really teleport? Not telling...
I, the human, have paid tribute to Jillian, the cat, by getting a knit cap that's a nice stretchy lavender with a black kitty appliqued ...
It has been an odd couple of weeks in our normally uneventful household. First, the heat. Then, some people came and made lots of noise and...
*Sigh* Our local paper ran an article that one of our local school districts cancelled its contract with Scholastic Books -- "in part...
Let me throw something at all two of my readers just for fun. This week happens to include the Jewish festival of Purim. Purim is about cel...
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