Saturday, August 23, 2008

There's the rub

The humans keep wandering off, and lately they come back with evidence of just how badly they have strayed.

Someone else's cat hair. I think we detected the scents of several of them, in fact.

So today, I, Acorn Oakmist the Red, emerged from under the other truck when they returned,
and applied a fresh layer of cat fur onto The Other One's clothes. Rub, rub, hit head on leg, purr, demand scritches on forehead, rub some more. I'll be getting My Human soon too.

Nobody else was orange, I might add.

Elfstone can be the one to sniff The Other One's hand and look indignant and check it out very carefully, --me, I'll just erase the strange scents and start over.

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I, the human, have paid tribute to Jillian, the cat, by getting a knit cap that's a nice stretchy lavender with a black kitty appliqued ...