Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Being a Cat Mom

Not so much different from being Mom to humans, says The Other One.

To which I flash my orange fur and say,

I gave her plenty of notice that I'd lost my early morning breakfast. She saw it before she walked on it. So what's she fussing about? No, she didn't SAY anything,
it was that patient-mom-martyred look.

So I livened things up by chasing off a big bad intruder a few minutes later. Just when she was trying to catch a bit more sleep, too, and had shut her eyes. That upstart from next door pranced into the house through OUR cat flap as pretty as you please. I showed him! He left some of his fur on the kitchen floor. I told The Other One he was hiding in the garage. She didn't believe me but saw me stare at the door so she opened it very carefully. Next thing we knew, a THUNK followed by a WHOOSH and there he went. Out the other cat flap into the Garden.

I decided to reclaim my space under the truck and take a nap. My Human hadn't stirred from the bedroom, after all. I love to make the Other One pay me all this attention.

Acorn Oakmist.

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I, the human, have paid tribute to Jillian, the cat, by getting a knit cap that's a nice stretchy lavender with a black kitty appliqued ...