Tuesday, February 4, 2025

 I'm getting as unpredictably finicky as Miss Jillian when it comes to food.

She's the ultimate in that category, however.  She gained an entire pound out of the blue between two vet visits -- I'd been a lot pushier in making sure she ate enough.  There are days when I wonder if she has a feline version of ADHD -- one little sound clear across the house will lead her to backing up and wandering off just when she looks as if she's starting to eat; then Willow will steal some of what she has left over if it's not too high for Willow to jump to.

Or, Jillian will act hungry, then back up as if to say "I just wanted to be sure you'd offer me something. OK Thanks Bye." or, "That food was SO yesterday/this morning/harrumph! " when a fresh portion of something she wolfed down yesterday or this morning crosses Her Path.

Last night's revelation after she spent all day taking one or maybe two ladylike bites of whatever I put down and then stopping:

"You finally figured out I wanted the CERAMIC cat dish, not the PLASTIC cat dish! *chomp*"


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I, the human, have paid tribute to Jillian, the cat, by getting a knit cap that's a nice stretchy lavender with a black kitty appliqued ...