Good Heavens, humans, I said loudly and clearly. Can't you see we have an Intruder in the Bathroom?
It was morning and those silly humans showed no sign of stirring. There was trouble afoot. Trouble in this case had walked through the door on white paws. White fur with orange spots and copper colored eyes not unlike my own. This upstart creature was sleek and wore a collar and was trying to act ... like it actually BELONGED there.
The very idea!
What followed was two sleepy humans trying to persuade me to just step aside and let the silly thing leave without retaliation. That would never do. Sorry I scratched the Other One. It was just that she wasn't listening and made the mistake of trying to pick me up.
She knew she'd been at fault. She just scratched my ears when everything settled down. And settle it did, once I chased the intruder out the door. I don't think this cat will try THAT again for a while.
Still the Terror of the Neighborhood and Protector of the Household
Acorn Oakmist the Red
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Hello all, I started singing this song last night. There are times when I "go on watch" -- and I am holding the spirits of two b...
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It has been an odd couple of weeks in our normally uneventful household. First, the heat. Then, some people came and made lots of noise and...
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