I, the human, have paid tribute to Jillian, the cat, by getting a knit cap that's a nice stretchy lavender with a black kitty appliqued prominently on top. Of course I am at work and the cap is at home, so stay tuned. Will post a photo when brain and location have lined up.
The Clearing in the Wood
Monday, February 10, 2025
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
I'm getting as unpredictably finicky as Miss Jillian when it comes to food.
She's the ultimate in that category, however. She gained an entire pound out of the blue between two vet visits -- I'd been a lot pushier in making sure she ate enough. There are days when I wonder if she has a feline version of ADHD -- one little sound clear across the house will lead her to backing up and wandering off just when she looks as if she's starting to eat; then Willow will steal some of what she has left over if it's not too high for Willow to jump to.
Or, Jillian will act hungry, then back up as if to say "I just wanted to be sure you'd offer me something. OK Thanks Bye." or, "That food was SO yesterday/this morning/harrumph! " when a fresh portion of something she wolfed down yesterday or this morning crosses Her Path.
Last night's revelation after she spent all day taking one or maybe two ladylike bites of whatever I put down and then stopping:
"You finally figured out I wanted the CERAMIC cat dish, not the PLASTIC cat dish! *chomp*"
Sunday, February 2, 2025
The Hat, an Update!
Yes, I still have it. That Certain Someone tried to get me a new version a couple years ago -- right color, but the wrong shape. The substitute hat found its way to Goodwill. Nice try, but it was more like a ranger style hat than a fedora. Checking my pictures reveals that This Hat is 9 years old! (A Gracefully Aging Hat which is considerably faded.)
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Hello all,
I started singing this song last night. There are times when I "go on watch" -- and I am holding the spirits of two beloved friends, one on the other side of the veil since mid February, one on this side whose life persists in finding the beauty in everything she sees, even in the midst of catastrophic illness.
It is from the Navajo tradition. It's been adapted into a hymn and often sung as a round.
Now I walk in beauty.
Beauty is before me.
Beauty is behind me
Above and below me.
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
The dinosaur is trying to update the blog design and layout! Everyone run!
I have to blame Sue Vincent, who I'm also trying to link in to this thing. Her lyric upbeat poetic posts in the face of difficult-to-overstate challenges is a truly inspiring kick in the rear. After several floundering tries and the input of two cats, I have managed to add her to the lists on the right hand side of this page.
I, the human, have paid tribute to Jillian, the cat, by getting a knit cap that's a nice stretchy lavender with a black kitty appliqued ...
It has been an odd couple of weeks in our normally uneventful household. First, the heat. Then, some people came and made lots of noise and...
*Sigh* Our local paper ran an article that one of our local school districts cancelled its contract with Scholastic Books -- "in part...
Let me throw something at all two of my readers just for fun. This week happens to include the Jewish festival of Purim. Purim is about cel...