Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Who needs an editor when you have a cat?
(No offense to any editors out there)
Greetings from Acorn Oakmist,
The Other Human (the one always tapping those square things in front of a light box) took a lot of time in this past many-days staring at it, tapping away, with the box thing parked on the table in the kitchen.
I pointed out that it was a very hard surface, that table, and if she wanted Proper Supervision from me she would have to do something about that.
She read me loud-and-clear, and spread a soft fuzzy blanket out for me. I obligingly parked to keep her on track with whatever insane ideas she was working on. Instead of emitting my usual sleep vibes, I tried to help by sending cat level intelligence her direction. Here's hoping it worked. Now if I could only figure out what she means when she says, "Na Noh Rye Moh"....
Hello all, I started singing this song last night. There are times when I "go on watch" -- and I am holding the spirits of two b...
*Sigh* Our local paper ran an article that one of our local school districts cancelled its contract with Scholastic Books -- "in part...
It has been an odd couple of weeks in our normally uneventful household. First, the heat. Then, some people came and made lots of noise and...
Let me throw something at all two of my readers just for fun. This week happens to include the Jewish festival of Purim. Purim is about cel...