(My human is spending way too much time on Online Quizzes. Can't you tell?)
We watched Elfstone and the Big Ferocious Bit of String on the living room carpet. There could only be one answer to that question:
Me? Based on when I lurk in the tall grasses unseen, probably a stealth something or other. It's classified.
Acorn Oakmist
Hello all, I started singing this song last night. There are times when I "go on watch" -- and I am holding the spirits of two b...
*Sigh* Our local paper ran an article that one of our local school districts cancelled its contract with Scholastic Books -- "in part...
It has been an odd couple of weeks in our normally uneventful household. First, the heat. Then, some people came and made lots of noise and...
Let me throw something at all two of my readers just for fun. This week happens to include the Jewish festival of Purim. Purim is about cel...